Sorting row in a giving file

hi I would like to sort rows in a givin file except the first colomn (or first element of a row) just like the following example

file input : 

1  3 8 5
2  2 8 1
3  9 8 10

file output : 

1  8 5 3
2  8 2 1
3  10 9 8

thanks in advance

perl -ne '@x=split/\s+/,$_; print shift @x; print "  "; @x=reverse sort{$a<=>$b}@x; print "@x\n"' input.txt;


1  8 5 3
2  8 2 1
3  10 9 8


while read a b; do printf '%s  ' $a; echo $b | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -nr | paste -s -d ' '; done < file1

thanks a loooooooot

---------- Post updated at 12:32 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:09 AM ----------

thanks ygor

last thing
if I want to store the first ans second column in a file, first and 3th column in a second file ans finally first and 4th column in a 3th file how can i do this

Not really a one-liner anymore. Same code as before, but with a tee to awk...

while read a b
    printf '%s  ' $a
    echo $b | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -nr | paste -s -d ' '
done < file1 | tee outfile1 |\
    awk '{for(x=2;x<=NF;x++) print $1, $x > "outfile" x}'

Which gives...

==> outfile1 <==
1  8 5 3
2  8 2 1
3  10 9 8

==> outfile2 <==
1 8
2 8
3 10

==> outfile3 <==
1 5
2 2
3 9

==> outfile4 <==
1 3
2 1
3 8