Sorting multi-column values from a specific file

Hi, all.
I need a shell script which gathers data from a remote XML file and then displays it according to my needs.. I need this for my job due to the fact that I need to keep track price changes of euro, usd, gold, etc.
The XML file I am talking about is located at this page: cnnturk dot com/finans/ticker/endeks.asp
The reason I am posting the URL is that I need to use curl to get this file and it does NOT have newlines after each tag. I thought that that would be a problem.
Here is what I need from the script:
1) curl to get the page
2) make use of sed, awk, etc. to display its contents in a more structured and readable manner as shown below:
A: 64.125 (% -0.26)
B: 81.130 (% -0.32)
C: 1.4930 (% 0.00)
D: 1.9590 (% 0.36)

I am looking forward to your insights..

I'm not familiar with the syntax of churl, but assume that you can fetch the XML into a file to parse with awk. This is an example of one way to accomplish your task.

#!/usr/bin/env ksh

awk -v RS=">" '                      # we dont need closing tag mark; make it the record seperator
        /Percent/ {                    # data we are interested in has this field
                data = 0;
                gsub( " = ", "=" );             # easier to work with if there are no spaces round equal signs
                gsub( "\"", "" );               # for this case we dont expect blanks in the value so ditch quote marks
                for( i = 1; i < NF; i ++ )     # for each token that is var=value
                        if( (x = split( $(i), a, "=" )) == 2 )   # split and save the value
                                data++;           # may not be necessary, but safe
                                var[a[1]] = a[2];

                if( data )                    # if we saw data, print it
                        printf( "%c %6.3f %6.3f%%\n", 65+idx, var["Price"], var["Percent"]);
        }' <current.xml

Change the printf() statement to print it in the format you need.

this is perfect.. thank you very much, agama. you really helped me out... this is what I was looking.. well, one last thing, how can i store the value of DateTime attribute in a variable??
thanks "again"!!!

Snarfing the date/time makes it a bit more complicated as the value has a space inside of the quotes. So, rewriting things a bit to allow for multiple tokens within quotes consider this brute force parsing example. You can use the date/time value as you need to. This just prints it out when it finds it.

#!/usr/bin/env ksh

awk -v RS=">" '

        function snarf_vars( )           # capture all name=value pairs on the current line. 
                delete var;
                gsub( " = ", "=" );             # easier to deal without spaces
                for( i = 1; i <= NF; i ++ )
                        if( (x = split( $(i), a, "=" )) == 2 )
                                $(i) = a[2];
                                for( ; i <= NF; i++ )     # snarf up all tokens in the quotes
                                        var[a[1]] = var[a[1]] $(i) " ";    # capture next token
                                        if( match( $(i), /"$/ ) )             # this has ending quote 
                                                gsub( "\"", "", var[a[1]] );  # one replace of all quotes (does not handle escaped quotes)

                printf( "%s \n", var["DateTime"] );

        /Percent/ {
                if( var["Price"] )
                        printf( "%c %6.3f %6.3f%%\n", 65+(idx++), var["Price"], var["Percent"]);
        }' <test.xml

The function unsets the var array, so if you want the date/time value later you need to specifically save it or it will be gone. This also makes no attempt to preserve the whitespace that it might find between quotes; for your needs that'll be OK, but if you want to use this in other situations it might not do the job.

Hope this helps.

Base on today's data sample:

awk -F\" '{for(i=1;++i<NF;){if($i~"Percent"){x=$(i+1)}if($i~"Price"){printf "%c: %s (%s %s)\n",65+_,$(i+1),"%",x;_++}}}' endeks.asp
A: 64.264 (% 0.22)
B: 81.470 (% 0.42)
C: 1.4840 (% -0.60)
D: 1.9840 (% 1.28)