sorting huge file

Hi All
I am sorting a huge file

-rw-r--r-- 1 rama users 448156978 May 13 18:48 102384.temp

$ sort -k 1,40n 102384.temp > 102384.temp1

msgcnt 1468 vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg00/var file system full (1 block extent)
sort: A write error occurred while sorting.

I thought of doing this logic of splitting the input file into separte files and then do sort on individual files.

Any idea how we can avoid these kinds of errors.


If you split them and sorted them... how would you join them together again such that they were sorted?

Check the sort man page, there should be an option which allows you to specify an alternative temporary directory which has more space.

use the -T option to specify a temp directory

before that search the forums please :slight_smile:

I was able to run successfully when i set the variable TMPDIR to a location where the space is available.

Thanks for the information.
