Sorting By Column

I have almost got my unix program working that im working on as a personal project, my file tvs.txt has around 500 records so this would make it alot easier for me to find specific information.

I have a file called tvs.txt, I'm using pico to edit the files and i want to be able to sort on the a specific column.

sample records of my file is:


I want to be able to sort on the second column could someone please provide me with the code that will do this through pico.

sort -t: -k2 -n urfile

Crap i just forgot that it has to be redirected to another file called updatedtv.txt

how would i do that?

sort -t: -k2 -n -o updatedtv.txt urfile
sort -t: -k2 -n urfile > updatedtv.txt 

That works great thank you soo much, but i cant seem to get it to print that and show it was exectued how would i do that ?

{ print $2 } does not work.

sort -t: -k2 -n urfile |tee updatedtv.txt

That worked like a charm, thank you very much rdcwayx.