sort and uniq in perl

Does anyone have a quick and dirty way of performing a sort and uniq in perl?

How an array with data like:

this is bkupArr[0] BOLADVICE_VN

this is bkupArr[1] MLT6800PROD2A

this is bkupArr[2] MLT6800PROD2A

this is bkupArr[3] BOLADVICE_VN_7YR

this is bkupArr[4] MLT6800PROD2A

I want to sort it and remove duplicates.

This would be simple using sort and uniq from the command line but I would like to accomplish it in perl if it is not to complicated.

system ("sort .....")

That's not complicated, but of course that needs some code.

A hash in perl is good for filtering identical items by using hash keys. Then you can also use sort() to sort the items.

An example:

@array = ('Apple', 'Orange', 'Apple', 'Banana');
%hashTemp = map { $_ => 1 } @array;
@array_out = sort keys %hashTemp;
# @array_out contains ('Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange')

Cbkihong, thats exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.

ruby -e 'p %w(apple orange apple banana).uniq.sort'


["apple", "banana", "orange"]