Some sed help pls


I have made a list of files of which I want to remove strings beginning with <iframe and </iframe

When I run the script I see the files fly along and the strings being removed.
However, in the source files nothing has changed.
Do I really need to write sed's result to a different output file... or can this be done inside the original file itself?

Thanks, Alge

while read line; do
sed -e '/<iframe[^>]>/d'; -e '/<\/iframe[^>]>/d' < $line
done < /root/allsites-com-3.txt

you can use the -i option to do inline proccessing of the file(s). Also, if you add an ext to -i ie: -i.bak your ariginal file will be preserved with a .bak extension

sed -e '/<iframe[^>]*>/d'; -e '/<\/iframe[^>]*>/d'

Hi, you are saying that it works, but I don't think that can because of the semicolon.
If you get rid of the semicolon, your code

sed -e '/<iframe[^>]*>/d' -e '/<\/iframe[^>]*>/d'

will delete the whole line if it contains an iframe tag (begin/end) and its contents. Since you are deleting the whole line, you can also use:

sed '/<[/]*iframe[^>]*>/d'

or even:

sed '/<[/]*iframe/d'

Thanks guys.
Scrutinizer, you 've got a sharp eye!
I started my tests without the semicolon (like the one you showed; I just added the semicolon later.

But also without the semicolon the line which contains the iframe won't get deleted. I then tested it with one file at a time and yes, then it works....

I am ging to try Sweetblood's suggestion to work with the -i option for removing the line "in-file".