Some help with Perl please (deciphering)

I am trying to simplify the coding in a script I was given, but it was written 7-10 years ago and is pretty complicated. below is a tidbit, if someone can break it down for me I would appreciate it.

[highlight=perl]sub ParseText
my ($line, $key, $value, $sub, $script);

foreach $line \(@_\) \{
    while \(\($key => $value\) = each %FORM\)
        \{ $line =~ s/\\[$key\\]/$value/ig \}
    while \(\($key => $value\) = each %ENV\)
        \{ $line =~ s/\\[\\%$key\\]/$value/ig \}
if \($line =~ /<script/\) \{$script = 1;\}
if \($script != 1\) \{
        $line =~ s/\\[[^<]\(.\)*?[^>]\\]//g;
    \} else \{
        $line =~ s/\([^A-Za-z0-9\\-_,]\)\\[[^<]\(.\)*?[^>]\\]/$1/g;
if \($line =~ /<\\/script/\) \{$script = 0;\}
foreach $line \(@_\) \{
    while \($line =~ /\\[<\(\(.\)*?\)>\\]/\) \{
        $sub = $1;

        if \($sub !~ /^\([\\d\\\+\\\*\\/\\-%\\.,x<>\\\(\\\)\\s]|round|ifcond\)*$/s\) \{
            \#Error\("Error in expression", $sub\);
        $sub = eval $sub;
        $line =~ s/\\[<\(.\)*?>\\]/$sub/s;
return @_;


sub ParseTextMail
my ($line, $key, $value, $sub, $script);

foreach $line \(@_\) \{
    while \(\($key => $value\) = each %FORM\)
            $value =~ s/\\n/\\<br\\>/g;
            $line =~ s/\\[$key\\]/$value/ig             
    while \(\($key => $value\) = each %ENV\)
        \{ $line =~ s/\\[\\%$key\\]/$value/ig \}
    $line =~ s/\\x7e\(\\w\+\)\(\(\\[\)\(\\d\)\(\\]\)\)?/eval "\\$$1$3$4$5"/e;
return @_;
