Solaris x86 on vmware workstation panic and almost crashing

Hello Admins,

Howz it going?
Coming to our forum after long time.

Well, a solaris x86 system on my vmware workstation is facing a big trouble.

I did a file system check on root file system. And after reboot, I am getting an error for both normal mode and fail safe mode.

I have attached the screenshot with this thread.

Looking for ward to any possible solutions.

Thanks in advance.

Why ? Was the disk already experiencing issues ? fsck should only be done on unmounted file systems, which is more complex to achieve with /.

Restore from backup.
Use ZFS next time you install Solaris.

Hmm... I see..

Well, anyways I will remove that and install again with ZFS.

By the way, how should I restore from backup in vmware workstation. I have never done this on vmware workstation. please suggest. Anything related with grub?

Thanks for reply.

Why did you run fsck ?
Was the disk already experiencing issues ?

The restore procedure depends on the backup procedure.

Yes. actually it's my mistake. I did run fsck on mounted (/) file system.

Well, I did removed that vm.

Thanks for your help.