Solaris; tip

plz explain TIP in solaris in detail.

# man tip

read "man tip" for informations about tip sessions... what else do you need to know?

#tip -9600 /dev/ttya

ttya or ttyb depends on u a server

u ppl just wrote the code...
tell me what does it do...its functions... everything... explanation

"We ppl" are telling you that, if you want a detail explanation of everything tip, you should read the manual pages for tip. If you don't know what "man tip" means, you probably are not going to understand it anyway.

Personally I would trust documentation written by people who created the program over something some anonymous person posted on the internet; especially when I was being asked to provide that information to a boss or teacher.

To give answer to the question I use a tip(1) session to type out of the second serial port (ttyb) of one Sun Sparc machine running Solaris to the console on the first serial port (ttya) of another machine. The tip command can use the file /etc/remote to configure it such that in my case I run:

$ tip hardwire

This uses the hardwire line from /etc/remote to configure the ttyb serial port and allow me to type out of it to the console on the other machine at the correct baud rate, number of data bits, start bits, stop bits, etc.

If I want to type out of the first serial port I copy the hardwire pair of lines in the /etc/remote file, change the hardwire label to something different and the /dev/term/b to /dev/term/a, this only works if ttya is not being used as the console.

Tip can also be used to talk via a modem not that I have ever used that.

...or Tony could give a reply that ultimately promotes anti-intellectualism.

I can't understand what do you really want. Explane it clearly then I can support you some time.

I want its explanation in simple English. I searched everywhere but the problem is that i cant understand it because of very complicated English.
the question might be like this;

Q:- What is TIP stands for? Why it is used? will this service be used in future? Because everyone have laptops now a days, and i think TIP is used on serial port.
I want each and every point to be explained.

this looks like an asignment to me... i'll close this thread down!