Solaris Patches

Hello all,

I wanted to check in Solaris 10 machine whether it has got all the required patches .

Is there any way to find out.


if the machine is connected to the internet (or a patch relay server) and you have a valid service account, yes. you can use # smpatch analyze to check for latest patches.

Hi Duke ,

Thanks for the reply..

So smpatch will work only if it is connected to patch relay server or Internet Is it ?

I dont have both the options .. Any way of detecting.

Kindly reply.

Google for "solaris pca". PCA may help you. We use it to patch about 250+ solaris servers.

Hi Schms,

Thanks for your input,

I need one other input from you. The Server I am having is not connected to internet as well as patch server. In this case I dont have any options of finding what patches are all needed for it..

any help on this is appreciated.


Download pca (a script) and patchdiag.xref from the pca site (e.g. use a desktop pc with internet) and transfer them ( you may even use copy + paste ) to the server:/var/tmp
The run

cd /var/tmp
./pca -l missing

Dear Schms,

Thanks a ton for your reply.

Do you know any site which is very good and has pca script and no virus.

Because i am going to run on the Prod Server
