solaris package question

I'm trying to install GNU C compiler. I have the binary downloaded, and add it using a pkgadd -d command. Is there anything else I need to do? Thanks.

have you downloaded a binary or a binary package? check out for the packages & dependences


That's where I got the pkg from. The only dependency I saw for GCC was for the ico library. I installed the libico library first, since that's what the site said GCC needed.

hmm, so i don't understand your question... you got problems with it? set it to your path and it should work. just one more thing, you could use a GNU-make instead the solaris-make...


Thanks for the reply. I have a binary package. How do I "set it to my path"?

PATH= $PATH : path/to/bin (no spaces)
export PATH

yupp, thats the right way, but it into your $HOME/.profile and its done

Do the same rules apply to Subversion? I grabbed that package from the sun freeware site as well.

By the way, tks a bunch.

yes, should be the same, with many dependences.
take a look at