Solaris non-global zone network vlan

Have 2 nics on physical system

net0                phys      1500   up       --
net1                phys      1500   up       --
  1. I want to create a link aggregation with LACP enabled with above 2 nics
  2. Create port-group(Like we create on ESXi) with VLAN-ID 2141
  3. And assign this to multiple non-global zones

Please assist

I did below but unable to allocate to multiple non-global znoes

nic0 + nic1 => AGGRMGMT0 (with LACP enabled)


root@solaris-test:~# dladm
LINK                CLASS     MTU    STATE    OVER
net3                phys      1500   unknown  --
net0                phys      1500   up       --
net1                phys      1500   up       --
net2                phys      1500   unknown  --
AGGRMGMT1           aggr      1500   up       net0 net1
VLAN141             vlan      1500   up       AGGRMGMT1
VLAN171             vlan      1500   up       AGGRMGMT1

And allocated VLAN141 as anet to multiple zone

root@solaris-test:~# zonecfg -z ngz-101 "add anet; set linkname=VLAN141;end;commit;exit"

root@solaris-test:~# zonecfg -z ngz-102 "add anet; set linkname=VLAN141;end;commit;exit"
The linkname VLAN141 is already in use by another resource.
The verify command only makes sense in the global scope.
Resource incomplete; really quit (y/[n])? y

root@solaris-test:~# zoneadm -z ngz-101 apply
zone 'ngz-101': error: ip-type does not match
zoneadm: zone ngz-101: failed to apply the configuration: zoneadmd(1M) returned an error 1 (unspecified error)

Getting above error please assist also suggest how I can achieve my requirement here .

Thanks .