Solaris Newbie questions...

Hello everyone, I am brand spanking new to both Solaris and Unix. I thought I would give it a go after buying a SB2500 off ebay for a few hundred dollars.

I am having some issues that I am not sure how to correct, and I am wondering if I can get a few pointers?

The first one is that my system has two hard drives, once which I wiped clean and installed the OS on and the other which contains my entire MP3 collection. Solaris tells me that the first disk is c0t0d0 and that second is c0t1d0. The first disk is formatted in zfs (fresh install of solaris) and the other is UFS. How would I mount the second disk as /music without formatting the drive?

My second problem is with sound. This machine has two sound cards. I tried to remove the one that came with the SB2500 but it caused errors. So I left it in, my other card is PCI. It is a Hercules Game Theater XP. I checked with the Solaris 10 HCL and it says that this card should work. Right now, the blade defaults to an internal speaker. When I run /usr/dt/bin/sdtaudiocontrol I can switch to the card that came with the blade however I can't get sound with the GT XP card.

Can anyone help me?

to mount the drive:

mount -F ufs -o rw /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /music

-F ufs = mount filesystem ufs
-o rw = allow read/write

you may need drivers for the sound card. check the website and see if they have solaris drivers and/or utilities. you can also run `modinfo` and check if the kernel is seeing the drivers for the card. unfortunately the description might not be obvious.

good luck and welcome :smiley:

Hmm, well I got this error now:

# mount -F ufs -o rw /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /music
mount: I/O error
mount: Cannot mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0

Just so we are aware, the disk exist:

format> current
Current Disk = c0t1d0
<SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>