Solaris newbie, need help

Hello, I am a newbie to both solaris and unix (thought i would jump right into the deep end) anyway...

I am having something of a hardware issue. My sun blade 2500 has two graphics cards, a sound card (pci) and an internal speaker.

After installation, it has used the worse of both. I have a vxr-1200 on this baby, but instead it is using the m64b.

It is also using the internal speaker instead of the soundcard.

Can anyone help me with this?

Solaris by default sets the line output muted and the internal speaker active for sound. Your soundcard is probably working fine except that the line output is off, so have a look at the settings in the volume control (mute master mono, and unmute master stereo)

The video card is a bit more difficult, but still relatively straightforward to correct ( only type the bits in bold face)

# init 0
ok {}  show-displays
a) /pci@1f,0/SUNW,m64B@13
b) /pci@8,700000/SUNW,XVR-1200@1
Enter Selection, q to quit: b   (this is my xvr-1200)

You will then see:

/pci@8,700000/SUNW,XVR-1200@1 has been selected.
Type ^Y ( Control-Y ) to insert it in the command line.
e.g. ok nvalias mydev ^Y
for creating devalias mydev for /pci@8,700000/SUNW,XVR-1200@1

then enter:

ok {} nvalias screen ^Y (control+y)
ok {} reset-all

Thanks, you are a life saver.

How can we achieve this by not dropping the system to ok prompt? Any methods to do that from the OS level?

It might be possible with eeprom and a reboot, but it's easier and quicker from the ok prompt since the primary output device is being changed.

The sound card I was able to switch over with stdaudiocontrol, I was only able to figure out the video card using the advice reborg gave me... well that and physically removing the card I didnt want in after doing a touch ./reconfigure

My concern was to check if it was possible without any reboot to the server or halting the system to recognise the correct card