Solaris Networking - help

Hi all

Right, i need to admit Im c4p on networking. I hate it, always have, always will. Here's my problem

Ive got 3 hosts. A B and C. I need to directly contact host C from host A, but at the moment I have to ssh on to B, to then ssh on to C.

so, I need to set up host b, to forward my ssh to c.

A - 192.30.163.X/24
B - 192.24.0.X/26 &
C -

So, I need to route my intial request from a via b, to get to c

Any ideas ?


enable ip routing on the mashine in the middle (b) and add a route to b on a.

enable ip routing or ip forwarding ?



Ive enabled ip forwarding on host b

What woukld the route add command look like ?


should be something like:

# route -p add hostc hostb