Solaris Network question

I have a machine that has developed a strange network problem. Anytime it sends an FTP file somewherwe, no problem. When it is the target machine, extremely slow. I checked the /var/adm/messages file and found a few of these:
SUNW,hme0 : No response from Ethernet network : Link down -- cable problem?

I checked the hme status codes. 100 Meg, Full Duplex. All OK.

Could this be a bad cable or port of even NIC card?

yes it could be any of those, but the cable is most likely.

Did you find what was wrong ?

What's your environment ? Is this box connected to a switch ? Does the box have more than one ethernet port ? [If so, are both connected ?]

I agree that any physical problem is more likely to be a cable (or part thereof) but the "send OK, Receive BAD" part of this problem may be pointing to something else as a cause.

There is a slim chance, if this is a SPARC conected to a Cisco switch, that this *might* be an auto-negotiation problem. But they fixed all that a while back, and I know nowhere near enough 'data' to make THAT kind of assumption.