Solaris IPS problems

Hi guys, long time no see

Today I installed Oracle Solaris 11.11 in virtualbox. My machine needs to be bulletproof for our production databases but :smiley:

First problem is that I can't install anything using IPS where publisher is solars, default freeware repo for Oracle Solaris. I need SUNWhea because smart people in Oracle don't include those system header files anymore with default installation of Oracle Studio and we can't install applications which depend on that package.

Every time I issue

pkg install SUNWhea

Solaris returns "no updates available for this image" :frowning:

I tried to refresh repos, uninstall and then add same repo, recreate index and nothing helped.

Did someone encountered at this problem ?

please provide the output of

pkg publisher

I would run:

pkg install system/header

Here you go guys

root@ora12c:~# pkg publisher
solarisstudio               origin   online F
solaris                     origin   online F
root@ora12c:~# pkg install system/header
No updates necessary for this image.

Okay, so both SUNWhea which is now a dummy (empty) package and system/header which is the real thing are correctly installed.

What is the real issue you are trying to solve ?

I need to complie company softver to the server. SUNWhea package is one of the dependency.

Have you tried to install now that the dependency has been met?

As I wrote both SUNWhea and the files it used to contain looks to already be installed on your machine.

What says

pkginfo -l SUNWhead


Completly installed on system.

Thank you

Okay, so is the problem fixed or wasn't there any problem in the first place ?