Solaris installation over LAN

I will install Solaris over network using JumpStart and DHCP protocol. This is first time I am doing such a work and need few questions.

First question

I heard Solaris DHCP server likes to take a lunch break, don't know from experience but my collegue told me so and I don't have any reason not to believe him.

Second question

This will be dynamically expandig tip of LAN which means someone can add new servers which will be empty with no OS and I asked myself is there any kind of technology which will automatically add new server in my DHCP internal database ?

what is your question for "first"? the dhcp server in solaris works fine for me and i have a own logging facillity for dhcp requests... which might be a clue for your second question...

No logging.

If I or my collegue adds new server in server room and turns it on, will be Solaris automatically installed and will be new entry added into DHCP list ?

You have to register new server's MAC address with JumpStart server, so no it will not be installed automatically. But entering few commands is not so hard I guess.