Solaris hangs (Firefox)

dear members,

i am a newbie to solaris 11.3, and deeply impressed. On my test pc (Lenovo M90), however, using the internet hangs the system from time to time;
initializing the connecting (WLAN) during installation (via the live cd)
took two attempts as well.

Maybe someone has a solution (maybe drivers or it is a compatibilty/mainboard problem with the i3 machine).

Thank you, any help would be gladly appreciated, Richard

Are you saying that Firefox hangs or the whole operating system hangs? How do you recover from it? Reboot?

If the whole OS is hanging, how much RAM does your machine have?

I know that Solaris x86 doesn't like small (<4GB) RAM size.

Yes, it hangs, and i have to reboot. This happens every second use of Firefox, all in all. Apart from that, it works fine. And i have 4 GB installed.

Could it be the WLAN?

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks, Chris

Is the entire OS locked up, or just the X display? It's possible to hang just the X Windows display server such that it ignores all input, but the underlying OS is just fine.

How do you reboot? Hold down the power button?

You can try killing the X server directly with CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE.

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Thank you. I can reboot only by switching the power off. Unfortunatly :-(.

Do you have an idea what cause the problem?

Thanks, Chris

Hmmmmm..........very unusual in my experience for Solaris to hang.

Could be hardware, software, or other.

Have you put other OS's on the box with no problems?

You say it's only when you launch Firefox that it hangs each second time?

Have you tried Solaris 11.1 rather than Solaris 11.3? It's just a shot in the dark but I have experienced various iffy network issues with 11.3 which weren't apparent on 11.1

What if you throw on Solaris 10 just for test purposes.

Thank you! I try Solaris 10 - didn�t find any download of 11.2 or similar.

Kindest, thank you, Richard

I'll PM you a cloud link for Solaris 11.1 DVD image.