Solaris Finger Service Problem

I have been instructed to disable the finger service for our Solaris 10 box. However when I input #svcadm disable finger I receive: "svcadm: Pattern 'finger' does not match any instances. I have also tried to edit the inetd config file and comment out the finger part but Solaris has basically rendered this file useless as all disabling/enabling services must be done through svcadm.

All help/suggestions appreciated.

Can you post output of:

svcs -a | grep finger

Nothing is returned:

#svcs -a | grep finger

Right. And this?

inetadm -l | grep finger

I get nothing returned for that as well:

inetadm -l | grep finger
  inetadm -?
  inetadm -l {FMRI | pattern}...
  inetadm -e {FMRI | pattern}...
  inetadm -d {FMRI | pattern}...
  inetadm -m {FMRI | pattern}... {name=value}...
  inetadm -M {name=value}...

Sorry, wrong syntax. It should be

inetadm | grep finger

Anyway I just logged into a Solaris box to check it and both "svcs -a | grep finger" and "inetadm | grep finger" return finger FMRI.

Yeah I changed it to the corrected syntax and I still receive nothing. Idk how to disable this service if the system cannot even find it in the first place.:wall:

Is it a zone? (check with "zonename") Maybe finger is not installed there. You can check if anything is listening on finger port with:

netstat -an | grep LIST | grep 79

This what is returned following the grep 79 code:    *.*    0   0 49152    *.*    0    0 49152

I have no clue what this means

Well, you didn't include the "LIST" part. It is very important in this case as it would show only the ports open for connections. Anyway from that you posted it is clear that finger is not running on your server. Did you check what "zonename" is returning?

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No I did, I input the entire code you listed and what I posted was the result.

As for zonename:


There is no finger service to disable on that machine. There might be one in a non global zone though ...

What says

zoneadm list -cv


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Would you happen to know why that is? Doesn't Solaris come with it installed?

Finger daemon as well as client command are part of the "SUNWrcmds" Solaris package. It is possible that someone uninstalled it from your box. You can check it with:

pkginfo -l SUNWrcmds
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Thank you that's exactly what happened. We removed SUNWrcmds and therefore finger service must have went with it.