solaris create password in a script and continue

:eek:Below is my code to create a user account but it doesn't take a password automatically. I have to run the password command seperately to do this
What I want to do is to be able to accept the password in a script.
In linux with the "useradd' command you can give the "-p" flag to accept the password

# Script to add a user to this Linux system
        if [ $(/usr/xpg4/bin/id -u) -eq 0 ]; then                                     # check if user is root

        read -p "Enter Group Name : " groupname                 # Enter group name
        while [ -z $groupname ]|| egrep "^$groupname" /etc/group 1>/dev/null;
        echo -ne "Either group exists or you entered a blank, enter groupname again: ";read -e  groupname

        echo -ne "\nPlease Enter your Group ID Number: ";read -ern3 gid
        while [[ ! $gid =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]||egrep $gid /etc/group >/dev/null;
        echo -ne "Please re-enter your group id positive intergers only: ";read -ern3 gid

        echo -ne "\nPlease Enter your User ID Number: ";read -ern5 uid
        while [[ ! $uid =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]||egrep $uid /etc/passwd >/dev/null;
        echo -ne "\nPlease re-enter your uid positive intergers only: ";read -ern5 uid

        echo -ne "\nEnter a Comment : "; read -e comment
        commentstatic="Staging Account"

        echo -ne "\nEnter your Staging FTP directory location.......... "; read -e ftpdir
        while [ ! -d "$ftpdir" ];
        echo -ne "\n$ftpdir Directory Not Found! Please re-enter: "; read ftpdir

        username="s"$groupname                                   #getting username from groupname
        /opt/csw/bin/gsed -e '/ftp/s/$/,'"$username"'/' -i /etc/group # this line is to add user to ftp group.........."

        echo -e "\nAdding group $groupname......."                           #Adding group to group file
        groupadd -g $gid $groupname
        echo -e "Finished adding $groupname to group file......."           

        echo -e "\nAdding user to system.........."
        /usr/sbin/useradd -u $uid -g $groupname -c "$comment $commentstatic" -d /forms1/prodenv/$groupname $username
        sleep 2
        echo -e "\nFinished adding $username to password file......."             #Adding user to password file

        echo -e "\nLinking source directory to home directory......."
        cd /forms1/prodenv
        ln -s /stage001/stageenv/$username $groupname   
        echo -e "\nDone linking home directory......"   

        echo -e "\nLinking source storage directory to home storage directory......."
        cd /forms/
        ln -s /stage001/stageenvsa/${username}sa ${groupname}sa 
        echo -e "\nDone linking storage directory......"        

        echo -e "\nSetting security on directories................"
        chown $username:$groupname /stage001/stageenv/$username 
        chown $username:$groupname /stage001/stageenvsa/${username}sa
        chmod 775 /stage001/stageenv/$username
        chmod 775 /stage001/stageenvsa/${username}sa
        echo -e "\nFinished setting security on directories................"

        echo -e "\nSetting up the FTP directory................"
        cd /ftp
        ln -s $ftpdir $username
        echo -e "\nSetting security on FTP directory................"   
        chown $username:ftp $ftpdir
        chmod 775 $ftpdir
        echo -e "\nFinished setting security on FTP directory................"
        echo -e "\nSetting up services file................"
        serviceadd=`tail -1 /etc/services | awk '{print $2}'| cut -c 1-5`
        let serviceadd++
        echo -e "$username""trck" "\t$serviceadd/tcp" "\t\t# $comment Staging Svc Account" >> /etc/services
        echo -e "Finished setting up services file................"
        echo ""
        echo ""

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