Solaris admin

Hey Friends,

Actullay we have to create 200 users in my server as early as possible .
I m not that much aware abt script writing. thier is any alternative ways for creation of users ?


I'm curious.. are these new users? or are they being imported from some other database, file?

not saying I can help. just curious..

Look at the man page for useradd.

Get all the information [like username, group associations etc] needed to create a userid in a file.

Read that file one line at a time through a loop, and execute useradd at each iteration to create a userid.

For password assigning, you can either place default encrypted password in /etc/shadow file or you can use spawn and expect.

If you can give us more information regarding the User ID requirements, like how the username need to be kept, what will be the group associations, and other details, then i guess people can help you with a good script.

this looks like homework for me?! drop me a PM if not and i'll reopen the thread. if it is homework, please read our rules!

closed for now.