solaris 9 using jumpstart to restore

Hello All,

I use flar to install servers. I am not sure why it does not restore my hostname.bge0, hostname.bge1, ... from the same server with quad NIC card. Right now, I use a shell script to copy my networking information. Am I doing anything wrong or is flar behaving the way it is suppose to? Here is what I am using to create my flars
flarcreate -n "hostname-flar" -c -S -R / -x /opt/Flar /opt/Flar/flar-name.flar. Do I need to add anything to this?

thanks for your help

from "man flar" ...

     The flar command is used to  administer  flash  archives.  A
     flash archive is an easily transportable version of a refer-
     ence configuration of  the  Solaris  operating  environment,
     plus  optional  other  software. Such an archive is used for
     the rapid  installation  of  Solaris  on  large  numbers  of

flar is behaving the way it is supposed to ... if you were looking to totally backup and restore a server from a dump --- see the script here

good luck!