Solaris 9 not recognizing CDROM drive


I've read many posts that offer tips on how to mount a CDROM but I haven't seen any on how to get the system to recognize the CDROM drive.

I was transferring files from CDROM to the hard drive successfully. I entered the third CDROM and the system refused to automount it. I tried entering the earlier CDROMS that previously worked fine but nothing happened.

After some research here, I tried to run probe-scsi-all to ensure the system is seeing my CDROM drive but I just got the ok prompt back (nothing).

Any suggestions on getting the system to recognize the CDROM drive again?

Restart the vold service. Use the /etc/rc3.d/ file to stop and start the service

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Hi Jim,

Thanks for your response.

I checked and vold is runing. I restarted it manually but that didn't work. Also in /etc/rc3.d/ I had a S81volmgt that starts vold. I explicitly duplicated this as a K10vold & S12vold to force vold to start on boot up.

On reboot, vold starts but the system still doesn't automount or manually mount CDROMs.