Solaris 8 or 9 CD's for PC

Does anyone know where i can get solaris 8 or 9 CD's for the PC. I need to rebuild some machines but no longer have a source CD.

Here is the link for Solaris 9

Solaris 9 Operating System

but Sun has discontinued Sol 8 so you cant find them in Sun website now, so you have to look for alternative source. Try bitto or something, but at your own risk!

I have them all sol 7,8,9,10 + nevada.

Do you need sol 8 ?
for intel x86 ?

Yes, i need solaris 8 for intel X86. Sent you a PM as well thanks.

I am still on the hunt for Solaris 8 for X86 for the PC, Sun no longer provides it unfortunately for development purposes I still need it. Can someone please give me a copy.

Sorry, you cant get that now :frowning:

Morten , Please read your email from me.