solaris 8 hangs and data access error on reboot


using solaris 5.8 on UltraSPARC-IIi 360MHz.

I know it is an old hardware but similiar hardware is running fine. here is the issue,

System booted : works okay for some time then display was hung so system was rebooted gave data access error. again rebooted and it came up fine..

I have pasted the /var/adm/messages here..

pastebin - collaborative debugging tool

pasting here in short ..

test-all at OBP did not show any error.. passed all.

Is it a CPU problem or Hard disk or memory issue ? or something else ?

what could be solution , a kernel patch is an option ?


This is 99% sure to be failed memory. The 2nd line of your log is pointing to a memory error on DIMM 3, and later the CPU causes a panic to crash the box due to this unrecoverable memory error.

Latest versions of Sol 8 kernel patches had better error correction routines, but if it truly is failing memory that's not going to help much. I'd say replace the bad DIMM, or if the box has enough you can just remove the bad memory and keep it running on less try that and see if it helps.

Okay I will try this now and keep you posted, thanks much

Its DEFINITELY memory module break down

I said I will try memory modules, but it was a hassle to take out memory chips due to a floppy drive on top of memory...anyways I have swapped the disk in to a similiar hardware sparc machine and machine is going fine since yesterday ...

still curious to know if memory or hard drive is problem..

let me see how long this system is up...

Thanks all for responding !!

Of course it will be fine, cos the problem is with the memory on the other H/W. Its the memory module dude :slight_smile:

:b::rolleyes: That fills me with confidance

:smiley: Thanks .....