Solaris 11 problem with static ip

I have installed Solaris 11.2 in VMware Player, networked in bridged mode. When Solaris uses DHCP everything is OK, I can reach internet, as well as other systems on my LAN. When I switch to static, I have connections to my LAN, but can not get to internet, the DNS resolution is somehow not working, or so I think.

Here are some relevant details (I am typing by hand, somehow cut/paste between VM and the host is not working)

~ ipadm show-addr
net0/reg static ok

~ route -p show
persistent: route add default

~ dig
... everything is ok, address resolved

~ ping
ping: unknown host

if I switch back to DHCP by netadm enable -p automatic system gets its new IP and all is working.

I made sure there is no on my LAN.

Any idea what I do wrong? Thanks.

Have you configured resolving via dns/client and name-service/switch smf services ?

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I did not, that was the problem, thank you! followed the Solaris docs link:,d.cGU

and it works now.