Solaris 11 install freeze


I tried to boot the Solaris 11 install DVD the other day and I can't get past the "SunOS" text banner on the clear/newscreen. It just hangs with a solid block cursor. I have a new computer and that might be the problem, but what I want is more verbosity maybe, some kind of detailed information. Any ideas on how to get past this and get it installed? I figured it might be non-supported BluRay-hardware and thus tried the USB install... I did it knowing it didn't have GRUB, though, and Oracle only specifies how to install GRUB under Solaris which is sort of a Catch 22. Any ideas on how to get a running USB image? One without a loader is kinda rubbish.



You should be able to get more boot verbosity by editing the grub menu entry kernel line and adding at the end:

... console=text -kv -m verbose

I am sorry, but that didn't work. This is Solaris 11 btw. I got the text "kernel parameters ignored" or something like that. Same effect.