Solaris 11 Express - cannot reboot remotely

I have installed Solaris 11 Express on my machine. I have problems trying to reboot the computer remotely.

When I log to the local console as the root-user and run


everything is fine.

But when I log in remotely from a Windows machine using putty and do the same, the computer won't reboot. It would die on

syncing file systems... done

Where should I look for more information?

Thank you for help,

It is not "dying" on this message. It is just disconnecting you from the SSH session because sshd daemon was shutdown in the reboot process. It is normal when rebooting through SSH (and for this reason should be avoided, cause you can't see if server came up after reboot). For remote reboot it is better to use ILOM, ALOM or XSCF (depending on your hardware) and do it from server's console.

Thanks for your reply bartus11.

In fact the

syncing file systems... done

messages were not sent through SSH - they were printed on a local terminal. And that's where the reboot process stops when initiated remotely (but at the same time, local reboot works fine).

I could have observed this because I currently have the machine at home and am just testing remote restarts.

which h/w are you using? can you do a "soft-reset" of the system to power cycle and see if you can see the messages. IT SHOULD reset, probe and bring your OS back. If not, how did you got the OS up again?