Solaris 11 AI Server Backup existing servers?

Hey Guys

i've got a question about the AI Server. Is there any possibility to backup existing servers to reinstall them automaticly by using the AI Server?


Ai (or previioslly known as Jumpstart) deploys servers from templates

For backing up a server, wiht the option to re-install
(1) the tar command to zip and tar directories - you need to plan this
(2) as with most installations a professional backup product e.g. Netbackup,


but i think there are some other options too. I've searched the last days and found something about Solaris integrated Backup solutions.

  1. Solaris (i beleave beginning with V8) until inculding V10 has the option of a flarecreate Backup.

  2. Version 11 of Solaris uses zfs so you can create a zfs snapshot of the existing Server

That's the way i try now.

Thanks @stevie_velvet

From Solaris 11.2 and onward, one can create an archive using archiveadm and restore that image using AI installer.

Here is a nice blog example :\_unified\_archives\_in_solaris

I haven't tested or tried above.

Still using zfs snapshots/streams for now, which is fairly well documented online, but does not involve AI rather manual work.

Hope that helps