Solaris 10 Wireless Internet - Please help!

I have Solaris 10 Express, and am going to try OpenSolaris on a different computer. I need to configure and setup my wireless card, a NetGear WG311T, on my Solaris 10 machine, because I have no internet yet. Please help me get my wireless working, Thanks.


Some links that you can look to, that I have posted for help with this:

Solaris 10 Java Desktop Environment Problems -

General Solaris 10 Discussion - Solaris 10 Errors and problems, please help.

i didn't read the external links...

what is your problem in setting up the card? is the card detected? what have you done so far?

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have posted this late, I got this done already, thanks anyway. For anyone looking for a solution, I used:

wificonfig -i ath0 connect (wireless network name)
ifconfig ath0 dhcp

And then I changed my /etc/nsswitch.conf file. I changed the line:

hosts: files


hosts: files dns

Oh and don't forget to add your DNS addresses in /etc/resolv.conf

But I would like to know what file I can add commands in, so that Solaris runs them when I boot Solaris. Thanks.