solaris 10 vi history

i got solaris 10 DVD and i install it on intel 64.

how do i set history to vi for command line? i can use backup space as well, it goes with "^H".

this won't work, export EDITOR=vi, it response with not an identifier.


Whate run-Level, Shell & login id are you using ?

You can change your shell to bash, and then use the up|down arrows for CL history and editing, with no need of vi commands.

Or switch to ksh, and add this line in your .profile

set -o vi 

... and use [ESC] to enter the CL vi/history mode, and use [h][j][k][l] to cycle through commands or move along the CL for editing. Standard vi commands apply.

You can add

 stty erase '^H'

in your .profile as well to make the backspace well, backspace.

there's no .profile for root on solaris 10. i can only see .dtprofile.

... create it, then.. .it's just a text file.