Solaris 10 packages

Hi all,
Does anyone know where you can get solaris 10 packages these days? It seems that sunfreeware have now started charging you to download them, which is good.

I have found opencsw, but that seems to rely on you hooking the machine into the interenet and at the moment I am trying to build squid so I can do that but need some bits of software for it.

Thanks in advance for any help


Please check opencsw ftp folder. From there you can download packages same like sunfreeware

Hi Bentech4u,
Couldn't find the ftp sites, but I found the mirror site if the server hasn't got internet acces

list of mirrors here:

OpenCSW Mirror Status

thanks for forcing me to dig a little more on the site :slight_smile:



you are welcome mate


below links will help you setup local mirror

Getting started, optional steps

Index of /opencsw/