Solaris 10 NIS client configuration


I have a Solaris 10 machine and trying to connect it to a Linux NIS Server. Up till now I have set up NIS so that it does find the NIS server and gets the user list.

Automounter also mounts some directories from an NFS server.

However, I can't get it to map the shadow passwords (they are MD5 and unfortunately I cannot change that).

Can you give me some guidelines on what to try?


According to nis-howto
shadow passwords are a bad idea and Solaris does not support shadow passwords over NIS.


Password are expected to be in the passwd map as there is no shadow map with NIS on Solaris. Is your problem md5 password being unrecognized by Solaris or the shadow.* maps not being used ?

I have a NIS linux server that has all the user information, hosts and home directory information and a linux nfs server that has the home directories.

Unfortunately, I do not manage those and are not going to change, so I have to set it up somehow to be able to ssh to the solaris machine - either through a password or through public key authentication.

I managed this far to be able to connect to the NIS server and mount the home directories.

ypcat passwd reports:

dop:x:26779:2000:User Name:/users/dop:/usr/bin/bash

and ls -al /users | grep dop

dr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root            1 Mar  8 01:21 dop

However, my password is not recognized and public key authentication fails, since it sshd cannot access the /users/dop/.ssh/authenticated_keys

Let me know what else information would be useful.

Looks like the user's home directory was not autmounted when you did the ls, try:

# cd /users/dop

You may get permission denied but it should have mounted, then try:

# ls -ld /usrs/dop

and make sure it is now owned by dop and writeable by the owner, otherwise acessing ~/.ssh for dop is going to be a problem!