Solaris 10 Login Loop Problem

I recently installed Solaris 10 as a VM. I was using the JDS and shut down the vm when I left the office. When I rebooted today I login in at the desktop login screen and press ok but I am reverted to the console screen for a spilt second and then back to the login screen. I log in as root and my password is correct because I am not met with an incorrect login error. I even made a guest user account with a separate home directory and tried login in in but get the same loop even with correct password.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated as this problem is driving me insane!

we had problems with login when pacct (iirc) filled disk. I think there is some bug in Solaris10 with logging.
perhaps you should try starting in single user mode, and check free space.

Can you ssh into the box? It could be that your gnome or JDS desktop is messed up. Have you tried to login using a CDE desktop? What was the last change you made to the system? Are your home directories on a different disk?

I have tried to login as both cde and JDS but to no avail. I was making some changes so I may have messed something up the last time I was in the JDS. I know I messed up the usbsacm (not sure if that's an issue). Disk space should be fine as the vm reports 20 gb's are still available. I'm tempted to blow this away and reinstall a new Solaris 10. I just wanted to avoid this tedious process if there was maybe a simple fix out there. I won't be able to access the system again until Friday so I haven't tried ssh

ssh would work if the GUI is down, because it will not need it. I don't know what usbsacm is.

Which VM software are you using? If you do a rebuild take a snapshot after the build. Also Oracle has prebuilt Solaris servers on there site. All you need to do is load it into the VM app.

I cannot SSH because I do not know the IP address and I cannot find it using

ifconfig -a in single user mode

Try to reset password for your user using root account

passwd user

And then transfer to your user all files permission under home direkctory

chown -R /export/home/user user

type exit and you wait for a desktop login. Try to log in

Thanks guys. Unfortunately none of the above worked so I just blew the vm and recreated it. Working fine now. And I was sure to make a snapshot