Solaris 10 Jumpstart Error

Hey All,

I'm trying to jump start a new Sun Server from an existing jump start server, but this last machine is giving me driver errors :s

It doesn't make sense as we've built a few of these exact same servers just recently, but this last one displays:

"No driver (or driver binding) was found for the interface used to boot.
A driver (or driver binding) may be available in an updated or patch from
Sun, or from the interface vendor."

Has anyone seen this error before? From the research I've done it suggests that I have to unpack the miniboot and add in the missing driver, but we have over a dozen of these X4-2's which have jump started just fine.

Any help is appreciated.

What is the version of the Solaris image and what kind of hardware do you try to install?

I realize this might be a really dumb thing to say but have you checked all the BIOS settings with one of your good machines? Especially the network interface settings in the Advanced section.

Also, perhaps try a Linux (or similar) 'live CD/DVD' to test that the network interface is not hardware faulty.

Apologies if that sounds too obvious.