Solaris 10 installed in vmware

I had no idea where I should post before i posting this .

I have googled many many articles about how I share my host win 7 file into my vmware 9 solaris 10 system but what the solutions I found are all not work for me.

for example
VMware Communities: file sharing - Windows XP guest -...

(PS : please tell me if it is not allowed to post other links here . I will delete it )

My setting is shown via picture . My share file name is "solaris 10 shared" .

Could any chings give me infomation that is work to solve it ?
Thank you so much !

solve what? you don't stated any problem...

I think the OP wants to share a folder between the host OS, i.e. MS Windows, and the guest OS, i.e. Solaris.

You must install the VMWare Guest Tools before shared folder(s) works.

Oh yes , that is ~!
I have wondered that I follow instructions I found on internet and it is not work for me . And I wonder what I should do . And I would like to ask for relevant instruction here.

May be , as you say , I should install or upgrade VMWare tool before I do another steps .
Thank you

---------- Post updated at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous update was at 08:27 PM ----------

I solved it . I can share my windows files to vmware solaris now .
Thx fpmurphy for reminding me