Solaris 10 install and Uninstall instructions.

I want to work in solaris admin. If I install Solaris 10 in my system, will it support all solaris admin commands and admin tools? Do we need to install any tools to support or work in Solaris admin? can you please let me know the install and uninstall instructions for Solaris 10 ? Is solaris OS is free ware or we need to buy it ? Please advice me. Thanks

Hi Shijoe,

You can still (for the moment) download Solaris from Solaris Operating System - Get Solaris 10 . Since taking ownership, Oracle has said that the free model for the O/S will be going away.

As for your other questions, there's an install guide on the same page you can start with. If you do a full install, you'll have all the common tools that come with Solaris. You can also look at Sunfreeware - Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Sun Microsystem's Solaris for OpenSource tools. The best thing to do is jump and and do it.


Hi shijoe,

look here: Solaris > Get Solaris
You will find the neccessary beginner docs.


Dude, Thanks for the update. I just want to know if I install Solaris 10, will it supports Solaris admin commands or do we need to install any packages to support solaris admin.



     Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 will support the admin commands directly.However I think this option is not there in Solaris 10.

Administrative commands that were removed in Solaris 10 are documented there:

1.Solaris Management Tools (Road Map) (System Administration Guide: Basic Administration) - Sun Microsystems