Solaris 10 as a Red Hat IPA Client


We have IPA v3 setup on a Red Hat RHEL6 server and are trying to interface our Solaris servers to it.

There is a slight complication in that we are using krb5 for authentication and IPA as a user and access repository (not sure if that makes a difference). The problem is that we cannot get the Solaris Client to bind to the IPA LDAP server.

Log files have proved little help. We know that the servers are communicating but the bind fails with various errors.

Has anybody successfully interfaced Solaris to RHEL IPA? and if so how?



Can you tell more about your Solaris ldapclient settings an the precise errors you get?

"various errors" doesn't help figuring out what the issue is.


We have used the standard settings in the fedora documentation\_Guide/Configuring\_an\_IPA\_Client\_on_Solaris.html

But we are seeing the following error messages:

no such object #The settings we are using have been checked three times and they are correct
invalid credentials #again we have checked them many times and they are correct

When we run the ldapclient utility on the Solaris server the only message we get is 'error resetting system' the ldapclient utility then resets everything back to its original point.

We have tried creating the ldap_client_file manually (not advised I know) and we then get the error 'cant load client file'

hope this helps.


The directory server access logs will likely provide more hints about the root cause. "No such object" and "invalid credentials" are already clear clues.


can you please provide more seteps like how you joined client. also provide us krb5.conf

i have configured solaris 10 sparc with IPA 3 and 4.

you need to configure ma_homedir pam module to get home directory creations. der is lot of manual works need to be done. not like like linux ipa-client script.