Solaris 10 310-202 Question

Hello All,

Below I'm posting a question regarding a possible Solaris 10 310-202 exam question that I think is wrong. I do not agree that the answer is B. The inetadm command does not even have a flag/option of -a. Can anyone provide any assistance?


You've tried connecting to your server using telnet, however, you cannot get a login prompt. From
the system console, you display the following information about the telnet service:

fmri svc:/network/telnet:default
name Telnet server
enabled false
state disabled
next_state none
state_time Mon Aug 13 00:24:45 2007
restarter svc:/network/inetd:default
Which answer describes what you can do to get the telnet service working again?

A. Enable telnetd in the /etc/inetd.conf file.
B. inetadm -a telnet
C. inetadm enable svc:/network/telnet:default
D. inetadm -a svc:/network/inetd:default

Answer: B

Cheat !

vi /etc/default/login 

comment out the following line as follows

# If CONSOLE is set, root can only login on that device.
# Comment this line out to allow remote login by root.
# CONSOLE=/dev/console

that was a joke

Telnet is under smf control so this is a book bug , you can see status of telnet using

svcs -xv |grep telnet

As far I know telnet is not in usage anymore , you can use SSH which is secure telnet

While there is indeed a typo, telnet is actually handled by inetd which is part of smf.

That one will give more information with less strokes:

svcs -xv telnet

I wish this were true ...

That's a good advice.

Back to the original question, the correct answer would be:

inetadm -e telnet