Sol11 - Error at prompt (no space left on device)

-ksh: line 3: write to 1 failed [No space left on device]
-ksh: line 3: write to 1 failed [No space left on device]
-ksh: line 3: write to 1 failed [No space left on device]
-ksh: line 3: write to 1 failed [No space left on device]
-ksh: line 3: write to 1 failed [No space left on device]

But theres plenty of space :-

user1@:/$ df -kh
Filesystem             Size   Used  Available Capacity  Mounted on
rpool/ROOT/solaris      59G    14G        21G    41%    /
/devices                 0K     0K         0K     0%    /devices
/dev                     0K     0K         0K     0%    /dev
ctfs                     0K     0K         0K     0%    /system/contract
proc                     0K     0K         0K     0%    /proc
mnttab                   0K     0K         0K     0%    /etc/mnttab
swap                   148M   3.0M       145M     3%    /system/volatile
objfs                    0K     0K         0K     0%    /system/object
sharefs                  0K     0K         0K     0%    /etc/dfs/sharetab
fd                       0K     0K         0K     0%    /dev/fd
                        59G    18G        21G    46%    /var
swap                   151M   6.4M       145M     5%    /tmp
rpool/VARSHARE          59G   3.1M        21G     1%    /var/share
rpool/export            59G    32K        21G     1%    /export
rpool/export/home       59G   438K        21G     1%    /export/home
rpool                   59G    73K        21G     1%    /rpool
rpool/VARSHARE/zones    59G    31K        21G     1%    /system/zones
rpool/VARSHARE/pkg      59G    32K        21G     1%    /var/share/pkg
                        59G    31K        21G     1%    /var/share/pkg/repositories

So what is line 3 of the script?

Is it definitely trying to write locally or to some remote volume?

You can also run out of inodes rather than disk space but I would expect the error to be different.

More info please.

Sorry - there is no script. I thought that at first.

This is just hitting return at the command line..... Weird thing is it seems a bit intermittent too.

Hmm, inodes?

You might think the error is from a command line but, if you are on the system console, it's just the OS reporting an error. Is another user on the system running the script?

The device with no space left might be any device on the system (eg, a USB stick) or simply a scripting syntax error. Until we know more we cannot say.


Have you checked for snapshots? Try:-

zfs list -t snapshot




/tmp seems awfully small in the output above.

Is this machine under heavy load memory wise ?

Please post the output of :

echo "::memstat" | mdb -k

Check dmesg for unable to fork errors perhaps..

Also the exact version of Solaris :

pkg info entire


Just an observation - in my own experience I only ever see this when /tmp is full.

Non researched suggestion: add a (bigger) swap volume!

You have a *tiny* /tmp so it wouldn't be unusual to see a scheduled activity fill it. If that process then dies and cleans up you will have your 145MB back again. However there are also situations where a Virtual Memory (swap) reservation fails. [See Note2]

Note: In Solaris /tmp is backed off onto the virtual memory subsystem (swap). Available swap is the sum of physical swap space + (some?) free RAM (the freelist?).
This is not visible from the output you have given.
Use swap -l to see physical swap space and swap -s for the summary.

Note2: Solaris refuses to overcommit virtual memory and a large parent process calling a fork may try to reserve the same memory footprint of the forking process. Search "Minimizing Memory Usage for Creating Application Subprocesses" in for an article covering this.

I would look where descriptor 1 goes, with

pfiles $$

Or, if this is not possible, display the pid

echo $$

and run the pfiles <pid> in another shell.

I've seen this alot. there are a few causes. I'll list them in order of occurrence for me.

  1. Boot Environments; see
beadm list
  1. Snapshots; see
zfs list -t snapshot
  1. extraneous files in /; see
du -akd /|sort -nr|more