Software Multipath

Hello everybody...

I have a Server conected to a Disk Array through 2 canals of FiberChannel... I've installed RedHat Advance Server 3 and of course i see two device files that refer the same disk: for example: /dev/sda and /dev/sdb are refered to the same Lun... This is the same case for a new Solaris Server...

The fiber channel Cards are Emulex in the case of Linux... I know until now that QLogic Cards resolve the multipath issue and there are so many property software Multipath like SecurePath of HP.

Is there any software Multipath in free software Comunity???

Is there any solution Multipath in the comunity???

I hope you can help me..


solaris comes with MPxIO, depending on your solaris-version how to enable it. in solaris 10 have a look at stmsboot(1M), with solaris9/8/7 you will have to download the SFS package from sun...

regards pressy

Thanks very Much... I'll see it and now i'm gonna probe it..