Softpartition State: Errored in Command MetaStat

Hi people,
I have on problem when execute the command METASTAT...

d60: Soft Partition
Device: d10
State: Errored
Size: 12582912 blocks (6.0 GB)
Someone help me?
Thank you very much

Errored components can be repaired.
Use this:
metareplace -e <mirror> cxtxdxsx

I have a Cancat/Stripe, whith six disks.
Before this command i dont need to dismount the file system?

hi people,

I try this:

1- Dismount the filesystem;
2- Run de comand fsck -o f -y /dev/md/rdsk/metadevice
3- Mont all the filesystems
4- And confirm and the command metastat, if status OKAY;

This it worked...

Unless you're running fsck on a filesystem , you need not dismount it. metareplace is doing a re-sync of the mirror