Socket Programming - Port Scanner. I Get Connection Timed Out, Why?

When i put the target IP as, the program is working fine, can catch blocked & open ports. But when i try to scan remotely, i get connection timed out! Can you tell me why? :frowning:

Here is my code - Look at between where i put astriks - at the bottom:

using namespace std;

struct addrinfo hints;          //fill your host info - hints is input
struct addrinfo *results;        //gets your host info - results is output
char *remoteIP = new char[40];  //holds inserted remote IP
string tempPort;                //holds ports temporarly
int startingPort;               //stores the starting range of port number
int status;                     //receives the status of your pc address
int currentPort;                //holds current port

//program description
void progDesc()
     cout<<"This is a simple port scanner, scan range of\n";
     cout<<"ports on your local machine...\n"<<endl;


//getaddrinfe locates your machine, more specific
//details of your host address is returned to results. 
void getAddrIn()
    status = getaddrinfo(remoteIP, NULL , &hints, &results);

    if(status != 0)
        fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo error: %s\n", gai_strerror(status));

//Run the program
int main()
    int endingPort;                 //stores the ending rage of port number


    //tell user what program does
    //set size of hints to zero
    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);

    //fill some of your host address info
    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

    //ask for remote IP
    cout<<"Please enter your target IP: ";

    //call get addrinfo()

    //ask port range from user
    cout<<"Enter Starting Port: ";

    cout<<"Enter Ending Port: ";


    cout<<"Start Scanning: "<<endl;

    //check the status
    while(startingPort <= endingPort)
        //call getaddrinfo()

        //create a socket.
        int socketfd;
        socketfd = socket(results->ai_family, results->ai_socktype, results->ai_protocol);

        if(socketfd == -1 )
            cout<<"Error: failed to create a socket.\n";
            return 2;

        //add a specific port, you want to connect to, for the remote host
        struct sockaddr_in *specifyPort = (struct sockaddr_in *)results->ai_addr;
        specifyPort->sin_port = htons(startingPort);

        //make connection to host IP/Port specified
        int connectStatus;
        connectStatus = connect(socketfd, results->ai_addr, results->ai_addrlen);
        if(connectStatus == -1 )
            if(errno == ECONNREFUSED)
                cout<<"Port "<<startingPort<<" is Closed or Blocked.\n";
            else if(errno == ETIMEDOUT)
                cout<<"The attempt to connect TIMED OUT before a connection was made."<<endl;
                cout<<"Error: "<<strerror(errno)<<endl;
            cout<<"Port "<<startingPort<<" is OPEN.\n";

        //move to the next port in the specified range


    //deallocate memory
    delete[] remoteIP;

    //free linkedlist of struct addrinfo *results 

    return 0;

This is my second project, i should finish it as soon as possible.

Well, perhaps there's a firewall (or at least IP packet filter) dropping the packets.

Oh i already solved them....

Thanks anyway

You are right. This port scanner is made so simple, not stealthy & does not pass any firewall. Otherwise, it should scan normally.

It works best if you use it in your network internally, or use against your machine.

I opened a port from terminal by doing

sudo nc -l -p AnyPortNumber

Then tested the program, It worked!

Note - Instead of doing this

struct sockaddr_in *specifyPort = (struct sockaddr_in *)results->ai_addr;
specifyPort->sin_port = htons(startingPort);

Do this,

status = getaddrinfo(remoteIP, startingPort , &hints, &results);

Better & easier.