Socket implementation differences


Can anybody tell what are the socket implementation differences between hp 10.x and Solaris 9? Does this affect the application (any) when I migrate from Hp to Solaris?

Charles C.

I am implementing a client server based network programming using threads. But I want to make sure it runs on multiple platforms. I know that both SunOS, linux support posix threads, but when I tried to find the thread system calls in HP-UX there was no entry on the manual. Can anyone tell me how threads are implemented in hp-ux machines, or at least can give me an online link where there's information on hp-ux threads.


I can answer milhan's question. I have HP-UX v11.11. Just run man pthread and you will get all your answers. All the latest OSes are POSIX compliant.

No, I tried it, here's what I got :

thanks for your attempt, though...