Socket Error for LAMP on Fedora 7

Hi. um. I'm trying to make a LAMP server on Fedora 7, but When I try to turn Apache/Httpd on, it gives me this error:

[root@kimserver ssl]# chkconfig -- levels 235 httpd on
[root@kimserver ssl]# /etc/init.d/httpd start
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

Plz. Help. Thxs :D.

Is Apache (or another Web server) already up? Check "netstat -tlnp" as root and see if you get something similar

tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN     3637/apache2

Ya. It's already installed.

LAMP is bad, is ugly and noone should ever use it
fedor has in its repos all you need.
further more, apache is already installed and working on the 80 port
plus php/perl, and probably mysql

It's not only installed, but started. You should be able to access your Web server immediately.

Oh. Also, when I try to change the Mysql password, it gives me a error. Saying that I can't chnage it or something

Also, does fedora also start mysql, php, etc for you already too?

Also, how can I start hosting?

and something <---- that is important. give us the error and we wil see

execute system-config-services and check for yourself

what ?!

lol :P. When I mean start hosting, I mean start uploading the files. And I'll check the error the next time I go on my server computer lol.

If you installed PHP and MySQL from Fedora package, very likely they will be automatically started for you together with Apache.

You can place the Web files directly in the Web server document root directory, for example. On many systems that is /var/www (or somewhere inside). You have to check your Apache configuration for sure.