snoop script in background

I want to write a script for snoop which can do snoop for 30 min and then process should be killed automatically

I am using below codes

snoop -d igb0 -o /opt/temp/abc.pcap
sleep 1500
kill -9 `ps -ef|grep -i snoop |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`

But process is not getting killed .Can anyone help me for above requirement.

Can you try executing the

 ps -ef|grep -i snoop |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'

and see what is the output that u get!?

Also try to see whether that just returns one ID which is its process ID!!

Its returning process ID

>ps -ef | grep -i snoop
    root 26288 21712   0 11:33:48 pts/2       0:00 sh
    root 26303 23695   0 11:33:52 pts/3       0:00 grep -i snoop
  nobody 26289 26288   0 11:33:48 pts/2       0:00 snoop -q -d igb0 -o /opt/temp/abc.pcap

> ps -ef | grep -i snoop | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'

but sometimes it is not able to kill the process and process is running in background

For this you have to grep for /opt/temp/abc.pcap so that it just gives you single ID!! Hope this will help! :slight_smile: