SMIT on Linux

Hi All,

 I have a Linux system \(RHEL 5\). I want to install SMIT of AIX on it.

Is it possible? if yes, how it can be done?

Appreciate any help from you.


smit = "System Management Interface Tool" and as far as i know, this is ONLY for aix!

Definitely only produced for AIX.

on redhat you can use the system-config-xxx tools

use bash and use
# system-config [tab][tab]
to see the available tools

not as comfortable as smitty of course

SMIT is definitly AIX-only for several reasons: first, it is an executable, which is only produced for AIX and the source is closed. Second, SMIT stores the panels and the scripts started by the panels in a data structure called ODM (think of it as a sort-of-registry) and the ODM is also AIX-only.

Even if you would have the executable working you would still need to get the ODM ported to make SMITty do anything useful.

I hope this helps.
