SMB + Windows sharing

Hi guys

I need to create one directory on my Solaris 11 box and then share that directory on my LAN. I have only one disk of 500 GB which is more than enough for my needs.

I read SMB guide for Solaris and there is no guide how to achive share only on one directory, it has only tutorials for hole disks :frowning:

After all is possible to share only one directory using smb ?

Thanks :smiley:

this is my smb.conf note the path variable

workgroup = yourworkgroup
server string = yourserver
netbios name = yourserver
log file = /var/samba/log/log.%m
max log size = 50
local master = no
dns proxy = no
#name resolve order = host

comment = unix share sol10u8
path = /mnt/share20/vol_share_mirror    
writable = yes
browseable = yes
public = yes

You should create a smbuser with 777 access right to the directory /mnt/share20/vol_share_mirror

  • Useradd -d /export/home/smbuser -m smbuser
  • chmod 777 /mnt/share20/vol_share_mirror

Finally "svcadm enable samba"

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I know for Samba, but where is difference between CIFS and samba ?

CIFS is just another name for samba and is used as a filetype descriptor to mount windows share, as example below

  • mount -F cifs //windows_share /yourdirecory -->for redhat editions
  • mount -F smbfs //windows_share /yourdirecory -->latest opensolaris editions

..and samba is the server