Small database that can be bundled with UNIX

Hi All,
I am working on a file transfer tool between unix servers.
for this i am looking for a small database which is free and compatible with all unix OS and can be bundled in a package with other scripts.
Any suggestions

If your needs are really low, you can use kshsql available here . It is just a script for the kornshell so portability is no issue as long as the kornshell is installed on your target systems.

If you need something more potent, sqlite might be more suitable.


I have decided to use sqlite, I am also looking a way to put all my shell scripts in package and deploy that package.

Is there any way to bundle all scripts in a package?

A nice way to create portable self installing packages is makeself.

You can download makeself here

Hi ,
I am using the sqlite , but the problem is sqlite is working on Linux, but it is not getting installed on HP UX , it is giving below error.
My requirement is to make a file transfer tool which works on all OS.
For this i need a small DB which works on all OS.
Is SQlite proper for that?

Probably not.

Consider something else. There is a database that was part of most common UNIX implementations:
Berkeley db - just usually called db.

It has a very slightly restrictive license - you have to use it in house, you cannot market a product to customers that uses it.

HPUX versions had it when I used HPUX about 6 years ago.

Berkeley DB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I read about Berkeley DB , but i think it doesnt support SQL queries.
Most of my work will be through sql queries through UNIX.

Is there any tool,small DB or any other solution for it?


What is wrong with PostgreSQL?
It is supported for every platform out there.

HPUX uses PG database for hardware events and alerts (SFM).

Database is as big as the data inside, and small PG database will not be overhead on the system.

If you have java available on all target platforms, then Derby (formerly known as Cloudscape) might be an option. It is a small java based SQL database engine which can be embedded in java applications or can be used in client/server mode.